Проучване на добри практики

Детайлно проучване на чуждестранните и българските издания с импакт фактор и покритите от тях критерии и индикатори въз основа на безплатния достъп до Web of Science, Journal Citation Report, InCites, Scopus, Science Direct.

  1. Good publication practice for communicating company sponsored medical research: the GPP2 guidelines
  2. Good research practice: Principles and guidelines
  3. HRB Guidelines for Host Institutions on Good Research Practice
  5. Model Transparency and Validation: A Report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force–7
  7. Promoting good practice and preventing misconduct


1.        Bourne, Philip E. Ten Simple Rules for Getting Published. // Plos Computational Biology, Editorial, 2005, 1(5), e57. URL: http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.0010057>

2.        Celik, Yusuf. To Publish or Perish: Strengths, Weaknesses of a Medical Paper (I). // International Journal of Basic and Clinical Studies, IJBCS. URL: http://www.ijbcs.com/eski/fixed-content/77-ijbcs-category/134-to-publish-or-perish-strengths,-weaknesses-of-a-medical-paper-i.html>

3.        Code of Practice for Research: Promoting Good Practice and Preventing Misconduct. London: UK Research Integrity Office, Sept. 2009. 25 p. URL: http://redesign-impact.unibit.bg/wp-content/uploads/6_UKRIO-Code-of-Practice-for-Research.pdf>

4.        Cornelius, J. Lotriet. Reviewing the Review Process: Identifying Sources of Delay. // Australasian Medical Journal, 2012, 5(1), pp. 26-29. URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3413928/>

5.        Eddy, David M., William Hollingworth, J. Jaime Caro, Joel Tsevat, Kathryn M. McDonald, John B. Wong. Model Transparency and Validation: A Report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force–7. // Medical Decision Making, Sep-Oct 2012, 733-743. URL: http://redesign-impact.unibit.bg/wp-content/uploads/4_research_Med-Decis-Making-2012-Eddy-733-43.pdf>

6.        Good Publication Practice for Communicating Company Sponsored Medical Research: The GPP2 Guidelines. // BMJ, British Medical Journal, 2009, 339, b4330, 8 p. URL: http://redesign-impact.unibit.bg/wp-content/uploads/1_guidlines_medicine_bmj.b4330.full_.pdf>

7.        Good Research Practice: Principles and Guidelines. Medical Research Council, July 2012. (MRC ethics series). URL: http://redesign-impact.unibit.bg/wp-content/uploads/2_Good-research-practice_2014.pdf>

8.        Graf, Chris, Elizabeth Wager, Alyson Bowman, Suzan Fiack, Diane Scott-Lichter, Andrew Robinson. Best Practice Guidelines on Publication Ethics: a Publisher’s Perspective. // International Journal of Clinical Practice. Supplement, 61(Suppl 152), pp. 1-26. Wiley-Blackwell Online Open. URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1804120/>

9.        How to… write an abstract. // Emerald Publishing, For Authors, How To Guides. URL: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/guides/write/abstracts.htm>

10.    HRB Guidelines for Host Institutions on Good Research Practice. Health Research Board Ireland (HRB). URL: http://www.oeawi.at/downloads/Guidelines_hostInstitut_on_Good_Research_Practice-FINAL241007.pdf>

11.    HRB Guidelines for Host Institutions on the Handling of Allegations of Research MisconductHealth Research Board Ireland (HRB). URL: http://www.oeawi.at/downloads/guidelines_hostInstitut_HandlingAllegations_of_misconduct-FINAL241007.pdf>

12.    Ning Ning. Effective Manuscript Process for Journals. // Building World-class Academic Journals, Seminar, Chiang Mai University, 4 April 2014. URL:http://images.info.science.thomsonreuters.biz/Web/ThomsonReutersScience/%7B59e9dfc5-7d37-40ce-b16f-7a90bbb7d05f%7D_Effective_Manuscript_Process_For_Jounals.pdf>

13.    Principles of Good Research Practice for Publication & Authorship. //  Sheffield Hallam University, Research, Ethics, integrity and practice, Guidance and legislation. 6 p. URL: https://www.shu.ac.uk/research/ethics-integrity-and-practice/guidance-and-legislation>

14.    Sharrocks, Jo. A Guide to Getting Published. Offender Health – Who Cares, Who Commissions, How Do We Make It Better? // RCGP Learning, Offender Health Conference, Presentations, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, March 2013. URL: http://www.rcgp.org.uk/learning/presentations.aspx>;http://www.rcgp.org.uk/learning/~/media/Files/Events/Business-Development-Team/Offender-health/Presentations/Workshops%20Day%202/C1%20-%20Jo%20Sharrocks%20-%20How%20to%20get%20published.ashx>

15.    Winck, J. C., J. A. Fonseca, L. F. Azevedo, J. A. Wedzicha. To Publish or Perish: How to Review a Manuscript. // Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, Vol. 17, Iss. 2, March – April 2011, pp. 96-103. (Séries temáticas). URL: https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0873215911700228/1-s2.0-S0873215911700228-main.pdf?_tid=fae022dd-a039-456c-b37d-ef065595faaf&acdnat=1522967461_e374c9e5258057ae6d09ddf8cab22777


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За проекта

Изпълнител: Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии (УНИБИТ)
Проект “Редизайн на академически издания в съответствие с индикаторите за импакт фактор и показателите за постигане на интелигентен растеж в съвременното общество на знанието“
Ръководител: Доц. д-р Добринка Стойкова
Договор № ДФНИ К 02/2 (№ ФНИ К 02/79) Проектът се осъществява с финансовата подкрепа на ФНИ на МОН